Printable Version Web Site Terms

Discussion Forum Rules
  1. The use of this discussion board is a privilege and not a right. The discussion board administrator reserves the right to modify any message and/or deny use of the forum to any user for any reason in order to maintain compliance with these rules.
  2. All comments made on the discussion board are personal opinions provided by their original contributors and do not represent the opinions of the web site's author, the board administrator, the developer, the homebuilders, or other visitors. The author of each message is solely responsible for the content of their message, and by posting a message on this discussion board, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the author/administrator of this web site and their agents with respect to any claim that may be made as a result of your message.
  3. Use of profane, obscene, lewd, vulgar, rude or hateful language or content in any message is prohibited.
  4. Personal attacks or abusive, derogatory, defamatory, harassing, threatening, knowingly false or otherwise inflammatory statements are prohibited. If you disagree with someone, state your disagreement in some way that does not offend the person with whom you disagree (or other readers). Debate and discussion are welcome and encouraged. Rude and personally offensive comments are not.
  5. Messages that contain links to external web sites that do not meet with the message posting guidelines listed here are prohibited.
  6. Do not use ALL CAPS for the message headings or the message body. This is considered "shouting" and is generally frowned upon as it usually makes the text more difficult to read. You may use caps for emphasis on individual words as necessary, but please be judicious when doing so. If you post in all caps, your message may be reformated by the administrator to bring it into compliance.
  7. Advertisements are not allowed on this forum, except in the section designated for Advertisements (if available).
  8. Keep discussions "on-topic". If the nature of your reply to a message is not directly related to the original topic or question, please start a new topic in the appropriate category. Please post only messages that fall into one of the provided topic categories. If you feel that the topic of your message is relevant to the community at large, but the proper category does not exist, you may contact the web site administrator and suggest a new category. Messages that are not relevant to the category or discussion thread that they are posted to may be deleted or moved to a more appropriate category or thread at the discretion of the board administrator.
  9. Do not post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright to said material or you have permission from the copyright holder to post it.
  10. Do not "cross-post" the same message to multiple topics. Choose the single best topic for your message and post it there. If you do not see an appropriate topic for your message, please contact the web site administrator for assistance.
  11. Do not post private messages on the discussion board. Use private email for such messages when appropriate.
  12. Do not use any email address or phone number obtained from a user's profile or from any message on this board to send email messages or make phone calls that are harrassing and/or threatening in any way, or to solicit the sale of goods or services that have not been requested by the recipient.
Classified Ad Rules
  1. The use of the classifieds is a privilege and not a right. The web site administrator reserves the right to remove or modify any ad at any time, or deny use of the classifieds to any user for any reason in order to maintain compliance with these rules.
  2. Advertised goods or services which are considered offensive or not suitable for the general public of all ages will be removed at the sole discretion of the administrator.
  3. Please keep all advertisements as concise as possible, describing the most important features of the product or service you are selling. For additional detailed information, potential buyers can contact you personally.
  4. If your product or service has a web site available, please post a short, one-sentence description of the goods or services being offered along with a link to your web site for further information.
  5. Excessively long advertisements may be modified by the administrator to comply with these guidelines.
  6. Do not use ALL CAPS for the item title or the description. This is considered "shouting" and is generally frowned upon as it usually makes the text more difficult to read. You may use caps for emphasis on individual words as necessary, but please be judicious when doing so. If you post in all caps, your message may be reformated by the administrator to bring it into compliance.
  7. The administrator retains the right to modify or remove any ad at any time for any reason without prior notification to the seller.
  8. The web site author/administrator is not responsible for any part of the purchase transactions conducted as a result of classified ads placed on this web site. All transactions are between the seller and buyer, and the buyer assumes all responsibility for their purchases.
  9. Do not use any seller's email address or phone number to send email messages or make phone calls that are harrassing and/or threatening in any way, or to solicit the sale of goods or services that have not been requested by the recipient.